Some days (okay – weeks, months, years), I’m not sure what to do. My inability to make decisions can end up leaving me uncomfortably still, doing nothing at all. This is no way to live, friends. I should know: I’m in the midst of one of these indecisive periods right now. Can you say R-U-T?


Anyhoo, the other day I was out riding my bike. I guess school was letting out that afternoon, as there were kids walking every which way at an intersection. A police officer was there, working as a crossing guard. As I approached the corner, I dismounted my bike and started walking across the street. The officer turned to me and thanked me with so much energy, I almost expected him to hug me.


It was a simple moment, I know. But it made an impression. It would have been a lot easier just to ride through that intersection, ignoring the traffic sign (which is, I cannot lie, what I usually do). But that’s not the way it went down. I may struggle with the big decisions in life. I may not know who, how or what to be.  But I can still choose to do the right thing, no matter how small. And as long as I can do that – and know it – I’ll be okay. Really.


After the police officer thanked me for walking my bike at the intersection, I looked at him and said, “Well, you gotta do the right thing in front of the kids.” He smiled and went back to his duties. As for me, I walked my bike across the street and then resumed my ride.


Like I said, it was a simple moment.

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