I’m up to the seventh track on Love & Honesty. And that song is “Heartbreak Hotel.”


Yes, this is that “Heartbreak Hotel.” No, it sounds nothing like his version. My version is haunting. Slow. It is, I feel, reflective of the song’s lyrics.


Because I didn’t write this and I’ve only licensed the song, I’m not offering it as a free download this month. But don’t cry tears in your beer just yet! I encourage you to head on over to AmazonCDBaby or iTunes and give it a brief listen. If it speaks to you, buy the durned thang!


Still, haven’t we had a lovely free-download-thing going, lo these many months? And free is good, no? Yes! So I’m offering up something you can ONLY get here. It isn’t on any CDs. Folks, it isn’t available elsewhere in the known universe. (How’s that for fancy!) It’s called “Will You Stand For Me?” and its inception was a bit odd…


Several years ago, “American Idol” called on songwriters to pen what would end up being sung by that season’s winner on the show’s finale. Mister encouraged me to give it a shot, so I locked myself in a room for a while and came up with “Will You Stand For Me?” Then I threw my tune into the ring, along with about a jillion other songwriters. Alas, I did not rank. At all. Not even a little bit. And this song went unheard – until now.


It was an interesting exercise, writing this. And I enjoyed producing the recording. It’s a simple and rough demo, to be sure. But there’s something about it that makes me happy. I can’t put my finger on it, nor my eardrums for that matter, but it’s there. I hope you like it, too. And I hope you tell all your friends, pets, family, neighbors and others to download it for themselves.


Not necessarily in that order, of course. But you knew that.


By the way, happy September.

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