In October 2007 I wrote about an unexpected and much-appreciated trip to London. While I shared experiences relating to a deep desire to see the Rothko paintings at the Tate (and the subsequent fulfillment of said desire), I did not mention much more about the trip’s particulars.


Such as how I spent most of my time alone in London. Or how my digital camera was on its last leg. I managed the alone part just fine. I’m a big girl. But the camera freak-out…


Many photos were washed out completely. Some just had these crazy “flashes” that showed up where and when they felt like it. I took photo after photo, hoping for the best. Sometimes it worked…



Sometimes it didn’t…



One day I found myself standing outside the gates of Buckingham Palace. It’s a lovely gate, really. So I took a photo. The crazy “flash” wasn’t too bad.



There was something about that picture that appealed to me. Maybe that’s why I pulled it out of the archives a few years later and decided to paint it. I’m not sure. Whatever the reason, this painting makes me happy.



For the record, a few days after standing outside those gates – alone – I went back to Buckingham Palace with Mister. We took the tour as full-on, googly-eyed Americans and it was awesome. My favorite part? Sharing it with someone.

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