Yesterday I stuffed my pockets with cough drops and drove myself to Holly-weird. I had wanted to get my hair did for quite a while, but I waffled back and forth over it, weighing my wanting against my frugality. It’s a struggle, I tell ya. In the end, the wanting won.


And here’s what I experienced: love. I’ve known these hair and color artists for years. And I’ve trusted them. I always enjoyed not only their professional artistry during our appointments, but also their personalities. These are awesome people! They’re world travelers and deep thinkers. They’re funny and they have big hearts. But to be honest, I always figured I got more out of our time together than them. And that was okay. Cut to yesterday’s appointment – the first in about 9 months. I spent a great deal of time catching up with my colorist and stylist. And more than once I was told how much I had been missed. How good it was to catch up. How fun it was to talk and laugh together. I swear – I was downright touched, y’all.


I’ll start sharing photos next week and you can see my new do then. For now, please know how utterly happy I am with the art created on my head. And also know how overjoyed I am to have spent time with two beautiful people. People I adore. People I respect. People I hope to know for a very long time.

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