Some days are marked with gold stars on our calendars. We know they’re coming, and those days bring expectations. Sometimes joy, sometimes sorrow. Those days are imbued with plans, with action. Because those days warrant notation on our calendars, they stand out.


But what about the ordinary days – the ones without a note of expectation scribbled in their squares? Those days make up the majority of my calendar’s space. And believe it or not, those are the best days.


Ordinary days are wonderful not because there’s nothing planned during their hours, but because anything is possible. It takes an ordinary day to offer the unexpected. A run-of-the-mill day is the one that allows us to throw caution to the wind and accept a surprise invitation. An ordinary day may hold the gift of meditation while tinkering in the garden or garage. A regular old day may allow us the blessing of mind-travel while reading, or peace while watching a sleeping child. The quiet of an ordinary day may provide space for a perfect cup of tea, or the abandon of dancing in one’s living room.


I don’t know why we don’t schedule those things for ourselves, but we generally don’t. And that’s a shame. I’d love to look down at my calendar and see an appointment on a given Tuesday – an appointment with myself, with Mister. I think it would look like this:

5:45pm: 20 Minutes of Crazy Dancing

Rain or Shine

Excuse me – I need to go write on my calendar.

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