Let me say right now that I do not claim political expertise. I do not profess social superiority. In fact, I don’t know much about anything at all. So judge if you must. That’s your call. My opinions are mine.


Watching the world news coverage of the exodus from Syria is heartbreaking. Individual stories are almost too much to bear, but I don’t need those up-close dramas to stir my heart. The big picture alone is overwhelming and beyond my comprehension. I am inclined to believe that good decent people would prefer to stay in their home country. At the very least, I imagine they’d prefer the choice to leave be made from a place of health and safety and not from horrifying fear. So already I’m blown away. But that’s merely where the awe begins.


I am thunderstruck by the bravery required to take one’s family – and little else – and start walking. Can you even imagine? Can you look at your loved ones, at your home, and see yourself getting dressed and taking the hands of your family and walking toward a complete unknown world? With no bank account, no credit card, no security blanket? For the life of me, I can’t picture it at all. And I pray with all my heart I never find out what that feels like.


The refugees, of course, are a devastating symptom. The real problem, the fuck-tards who govern and terrorize that part of the world, continue their unholy reign. I don’t have a clue how to deal with these refugees, these human souls who are trying merely to survive. I don’t have any suggestions  as to how to house, feed and keep them safe. I don’t know how to decide who should offer shelter. I am, as I said earlier, only sharing my uneducated opinions. You are welcome to disagree. For my part, I will try not to judge you for that.


And if you are better-informed than I, well, I’m glad. Someone must surely be! But I’m not sure more information will temper my heart’s aching. And for now, each time I see images of souls walking toward hope, I will continue to pray for them. Young and old. And maybe I can throw in some prayers for the rest of the world, too. Maybe we can figure out how to address this inexcusable root cause, not only the human symptoms. Dear God – surely someone out there is smart enough to have a clue.

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