Yesterday found me catching up on ironing. I’ve written of this chore before, and how I tend to let it pile up until there’s just no choice. True to my historic form, the pile I faced yesterday took several hours to conquer.


To pass the time, I watched a few episodes of “Northern Exposure,” the early ’90s television show. When I turn to those DVDs, I usually only watch an episode at a time. So I had no idea there would be a running theme through various episodes. But there was. And that theme seemed to circle around being alive and actually living one’s life.


Now, I realize my standing in one place for hours on end may not resemble “living one’s life,” but the message wasn’t lost on me. In fact, I felt pretty fantastic. I got the ironing done and I got to philosophize while doing so. In the end, I recognized my own happiness. That’s not too shabby, folks. Not too shabby at all.


It’s a busy week for most of us, I know. Let’s try to remember – as we run around like crazy – to think about our lives a little. Let’s try to be grateful for the privilege of running around like crazy. In fact, let’s just try to be grateful, shall we?


Personally, I’m grateful for a lot of things. Like a closet filled with freshly pressed shirts.

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