I make every effort to stay out of politics in these missives. I do this out of respect for you and for my heart. That doesn’t mean I am without feelings or perspective. It merely means I understand it’s no fun to argue politics with people you respect.


But lately, I am overcome with anger and sadness. It’s presenting itself in my inbox on an almost daily basis, and I’ve just about had it. Up to here. So I ask your forgiveness in advance…


Why are men of this world such pussies? What is wrong with you when you kidnap young girls (in Africa)? Are you so weak that you can only assert your bullshit power by kidnapping those younger and (physically) weaker? Does a gun make you a stronger human soul? Allow me to answer these questions for you. Yes, you are weak. Any man who has to assert physical strength over a female is a weak-ass excuse for a human being. Biology may have made you physically stronger, but life has made you a pussy. And while I’m ranting, using a gun is a weak-ass move. How pathetic must you be to wield weapons in order to feel some fake sense of authority or respect? You’re no authority. And no one respects you. Fear will never equal respect. Fool yourself all you want, but that’s the truth.


And to the judge in Texas – the female judge in Texas – who decided that a rape victim deserves what she got because of her history, how dare you? If we were to glimpse back into your past, would we find a single error? Would you see flaws in your behavior? You bet your ass we would. Does that mean you don’t get to change your mind and choose well for yourself at some point? Apparently, it does. Are you so incapable of empathy as to be unable to imagine your daughter or your mother (or your sorry-ass self) in such a terrible situation? I mean really. I cannot believe a woman on the bench decided an underage girl was asking for rape, simply because she had been sexually active before being raped. How does that fare for the wives of men who rape them? Were they asking for it? If your spouse – if anyone can tolerate your judgmental ass – ever forces him/her-self on you, are you to blame, simply because you’ve had physical relationships before? Are you insane?


And on a completely different note, yesterday I received a professional email from someone I associate with on yes, a professional level. And this person had the audacity to include personal politics in his weekly business update. Da fuh? If you want to profess your political leanings, write a personal blog, douche-bag. Work is work. Our association is supposed to be professional. Learn the difference and practice a little business decorum, why don’t you. I don’t communicate my personal leanings to you. Extend the same damn courtesy to me already.


Sorry, y’all. I’ve just been pissed about the way women are treated in the world (and have been since the beginning of time). And when we – as women – don’t even stand up for ourselves, well, it breaks my heart. The (less-than) professional email just sent me over the top.


Yes, I am a woman. And yes, I love women. And yes, I’ve experienced wrong, wrong, wrong behavior. Unfortunately, I also know what it feels like when other women don’t stand up for you or defend you. Sadly, I went first experienced that as a small child. But I’m a grown-ass woman now, and there is no excuse for behaving as if I’m not.


That goes for all the men and women of the world who are behaving as if they’re less than human. Maybe God will have mercy on your souls, but I sure as hell won’t.

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