As Spring is in full-on attack mode, gnats are out of control around here.


I do not like gnats, y’all. They bug me beyond belief (no pun intended). They’re annoying and they make me crazy. And though I may be wrong about this, I’ve got it in my brain-hole that they’re dirty.


So instead of losing my mind to the mini-swarm that has taken over my house, I have turned to a home remedy that has served me well for a few years now: a gnat trap. Sadly, I don’t remember where I found this. I’m pretty sure it was on the interweb, but I don’t have a clue where. Anyhoo, it’s pretty easy and it really works!


Take a small cup or jar and put in a bit of apple cider vinegar. You only need a finger’s depth or so. Add a drop or two of liquid antibacterial dish soap. No need to stir. Then take a piece of paper and wrap it around onto itself, to form the shape of a funnel. You want it to sit down in the cup/jar, without allowing the paper to touch the liquid. If it does touch, just cut the bottom from the paper funnel.


That’s it! And just so you know, the photo below shows how many gnats were trapped after only a few hours:



That’s a lot of ugly gnats, yo! If you try this, let me know your results. And if you know this trap’s origin, pass that info on to me, please. I’d like to thank its creator.

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