Do you have little things in life that you look forward to? Things that come along regularly, or semi-regularly? Things that others wouldn’t understand, but you savor just the same?


For me, Saveur Magazine is one of those things. Since my friend Fernando turned me on to this mag, I’ve been hooked. And there are always recipes – plural – that I get excited about. This month’s issue, received yesterday, is no exception. When I reached the Turtle Soup recipe, I knew I was a goner. And that I’d have to do some shuffling to find me some turtle meat. But that’s the way it goes, when you find yourself on a mission. And that’s exactly where I now am.


Turtle Stew. My first exposure was at the tender age of 5. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin, our country neighbors, were making a big ol’ batch after their son caught a couple of giant turtles in the swamp behind our houses. I was only a kid, but I knew good food, and that spicy stew was the real deal. (For the record, I’ve written in detail about this particular food memory and you can read that here.)


Anyhoo, I’ll dig a little deeper into the new issue of Saveur over the next couple of days. I’m sure I’ll find another recipe or two to try. And I’ll be happier than a denuded lark in a thistle patch. It’s the little things, after all.

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