I know we’re not supposed to know how the sausage is made, but I’m gonna share some of my painting process with you. I can tell you now – it won’t be pretty. But I think you may find the ongoing progress to be quite interesting. And I have no shame (nor pride).


When I start a painting, I always, always, always think it looks like a 5-year-old’s finger painting. Frankly, I’m amazed I manage to keep going, as the first session is usually so depressing.


But keep going I do. And as I refine my vision and the work, I often surprise myself. Having gone through this many times, I can now reassure my inner artist and keep showing up. Otherwise, what would be the point?


So in the interest of peeking behind the curtain, here is the first session of my current painting project:



And no. That is not a toilet behind the upside-down man’s butt.